2023-07-11 | Hamster on the Wheel

YouTube thumbnail Photo by Matt Bero on Unsplash

2023-07-11    12:17

3rd Day of the Week

Daily reading:

Daily writing:

Our Abba-Father. Oh! GOD of Creation, GOD of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Yehovah Ts'va'ot, in the Name of Yeshua HaMoshiach I pray. Have mercy on us for our weakness, remember Your merciful kindness when we make a mistake. LORD, it is a thing that comes so quickly to us, to forgive and forget, when we have been forgiven. It makes it hard when we must stand for justice, when we stand in defence of those that can't. Help us LORD, give us the understanding, when the rod and staff is used to save. Help us LORD to remove what is dangerous for others from amongst us, even when that danger resides in us. For the Love of GOD, let not our foolishness, especially pride, become a stumbling block for others. For the sake of salvation, for the sake of the weak and poor, forgive our sin quickly and guide us on the right path. Let us not withhold the rod, when the rod is needed for justice, but let us also not depart from compassion, mercy and love. LORD, establish in us corrective measures, for the sake of all YOUR children. GOD our LORD YEHOVAH, Father, let the Blood then cover the innocent as well as the repenting heart.

Shalom. Amen.

Mattit'YAHU. Can you repent for another? Can you take on your shoulders what lay upon My Son? The atonement has been made; forgiveness is there. Look, is there not a symbol that reminds man of his salvation in My Son? Bow before the LORD your GOD and it is yours. The proud excuses himself, he says, "I shall not bow!" If honour is not given to the Saviour, then the salvation is rightfully kept back.

Shall you be excused because of who you think you are? Do you have or know an honour or a title that I know not of? But he that cedes his crown to the Prince of Salvation; he shall be covered by the King of kings. So, hold your titles and your deeds to your own condemnation, for salvation is a single route, a gateway to everlasting life. He who can receive it, will; he that cannot, never will. For pride is a sign of rebellion against the LORD of Hosts. Light unto light and darkness unto condemnation. Was I not clear?

I have opened a door for those who seek My Kingdom. An open door, and the entry fee is free; why shall a man attempt to come in by breaking through the window and expect mercy for the damage that he has caused? That Way, you know, the Way unto Salvation. If you cannot come through the open door; you are uninvited. By faith shall your righteousness be established in the Mark of My Son. Yea, all who believe on Him and walk in faith shall have their foundation in Him, established for eternity. But the liar and the thief shall never enter in. A place is set apart for his kind too.

Is this up for human debate; shall I treat one different than another? Oh! You man of a deprived mind, what will justice then become? Shall those that paid a price be robbed of their honour? So, there is but One Way to Salvation and to make it fair, I made it free.



Video at the head of the blog, covers the introspection today; along with a reading of 1 Corinthians 3 and the text above.
