2023-07-08/09 | Effluence Actions Before the Day of the LORD
2023-07-08 12:22
Daily reading:
Daily writing:
This morning I gave you word in another language, one you do not know. Yes, write it.
The Lord gave me two words (I might spell it wrong; I spell as I heard.) Effluace Actos. (I will try my best to cover it here as the process of researching it developed. Because it is two words, I will do it separate first.) Let me give you the correct spelling first:
Effluence Actos
The best translation or definition I can find of "effluence" is that of outflow. It is both the process or action of outflow, but includes also the substance of what is in the process of outflow. So it is the something that is out flowing only as long as it flows out (for a lack of further clarity.)
Effluence is a very old word. It is made up of two Latin words ex - out + fluere - to flow. In Latin it is effluere, in Medevel Latin - effluentia and in late middle English it is effluence.
Actos is a bit more complicated. Acto is picked up as Spanish. I will also include this link to the word "Acto" which breaks up the different ways in which it can be used. Considering that it might also have a Latin base, I then provide this link for Acto, which include Actos as the plural form of the word.
The meaning, from what I can put together from either, Spanish and/or Latin as a common root is something like "waste water actions," but technically I suppose it is closer to "outflow actions" while what is flowing out, water, waste water or even sewage is still part of the word and needed to understand the term, it is predominantly focussed on the action that it is flowing out.
So, Effluace Actos (as I heard) then points to "outflow" or "outflowing" "actions" or "acts."
My son, I do this so you will know it is not just your own ideas and thoughts. I can speak to you in any language even those you cannot define. Trust in Me, I am with you. What is the significance of the phrase, just that I said what you did not know, first; but what is outflow actions and flow is of water too; so, what is the water of life that must "Effluence Actos" from you? That is the Word of GOD that flows from the willing springs of man's heart.
2023-07-09 13:10
1st Day of the Week
Daily reading:
Daily writing:
My son, so much are happening at the same time, and man cannot perceive it all. Do not add to man's struggles, instead, lead them to Me, then each can be met in his own circumstance. A mere man cannot take the weight of the world upon his shoulders but can speak as he speaks. At times you fear that I have placed to great-a-burden on you; but do as you can and do not forget the body needs rest. I will bring your daily bread, yes, I will add to you, helpers. But still, honour the rest that you must have; withhold not from yourself in fasting. Yea, this is not for all, but some.
Here I am, for those that seek Me. Come as you are, let us resolve our differences. I remember that you are but man. So, let Me determine your pace, run not too far ahead. For the pace is one of day-by-day. How shall I forget you, does a mother forget her child while sucking at the breast? I shall not forget you, but know how you are sustained.
Yes, there is a frightful and fearful day coming, but you of Christ, fear not. For as day is coming, so too comes the Grace of GOD. Yea, watch you walk even count your words; for in righteous acts there is no condemnation; but first learn what is righteous and what is not. Can I punish a crawling child for not walking, should he not learn to walk first? But, grown men are crawling like children, not knowing their right hand from their left. What then to do with a child that won't get up from throwing tantrums? Can he walk, but refuses? Each matter is precise, some walk later than others. Still, shall you give up your attempts? Certainly not! For the day of running comes too.
Today, yet another introduction of a new resource included. From now on, you can click on the "daily reading" and it will take you to an online Bible to read along. If your browser supports, read along functionality, let it be read out to you if you can only listen. We have a combination of two days again, like last Sabbath. The Lord merges two days teaching into one, while giving two separate words for each day.
My mother and I was talking about the phrase GOD gave me and as we discussed it I was even more amazed. See, "effluence" is a word that point to the flowing action but also requires understanding of what is flowing out. Then we thought about everything that can flow out of the faithful person, both words and deeds. Isn't it amazing? And to think that we are called to preach the Gospel to all peoples. How does the term effluence actions sit with you now? Where it is the working of the Holy Spirit that flow from us, considered as light in darkness. So the gifts of the Spirit and the fruit of the Spirit is manifest by effluence of the Holy Spirit in the righteousness of Christ.
But, there is another type of effluence that can take place; and that is of murky waters. Life and death, is in the tongue, right? And as long as we give fruit out from the two-fruit-tree, we can sow good and evil from one mouth. What then is the outflow of things that builds up, how love, unite and even heal?
With Abraham, Isaac and Jacob (from our reading of Genesis) the outflow from GOD ALMIGHTY is one of blessing and promise. From the kings we see the two-fruit-tree fruits as products and they are met by the effluence of GOD's Word from the mouths of His prophets, of warning and the need to repent. Consider then, what is your outflow? Remember, praise and worship, is outflow too, even the Word of GOD. But it can as easily be lies, vulgarities, invitations to iniquity, gossip even hate. So, what is your outflows? Any sensible person would consider filtering, monitor at least, what flows out of them. You consider what you can and cannot say in front of your boss, but what about in front of GOD? You see, by the fruit of your mouth; by the result of all your activities; you really can be known. None of us are without guilt, but even a toddler learns not to soil his pants.
As we move over to our reading of Isaiah, we see this forecast of a coming day, where GOD HIMSELF will judge the world. It is called the day of the LORD. Now, above I linked a reference for the Sabbath, not to a biblical reference but a worldly one of record. Read it if you can and see if you can find reference to the Lord's Day. Read Isaiah references above and see what the day of the LORD truly reflects. All I want you to do is to look for yourself what things stand for and what it means and come to your own conclusions. Can one thing be defined in such a way to cover up another? Now I am not saying this for condemnation, no, not at all. I am well aware of Romans 14:5-9. I am trying to show you that everything is not quite as it seems in this modern world we live in; and unless someone points it out, how would you find out? We are bombarded with information, so much so that I often consider how many people might even read here what I put down. Amongst all this information, somewhere might be the very thing you most needed to understand to come to a point of introspection. If we can find the reliable truth without man's opinion, what may be the result of our conclusion? If we can only know what truly happened. There are questions that is valid to ask, but the answers are so often much to confusing; and who benefits from that in the race for your soul? Yes, that is why I ask you to investigate these matters for yourself.
In recent weeks, there has been much debate that came through to me regarding Catholicism and Protestant viewpoints. Now while I am not too interested to be dragged into long debates on the matter and believe our focus should be on Christ and not the edicts of men; I will give a link to Martin Luther's 95 Theses for you to read for yourself what was claimed. What then must a man do if he finds a departure from the truth? And what if all corrective measures lead to no result within the religious system? But, for a matter of interest; let us see where the change of the day of Worship comes from; is it biblical or a decree of man? Biblical reference Exodus 20:8-11 and even Jesus honoured the Sabbath. But when I search for Sunday or the 1st day of the week as a day of worship, I am sent in circles of reference, but nothing from the Bible. Here is one such claim of who changed the day. Notice how Exodus 20 specifies the 7th day Shabbat and the Jews still do it to this day, so did man sought to change the 10 commandments?
You see, I am not trying to convince you about the Sabbath per say; no! I am pleading with you to read the Word of GOD for yourself and not to be tricked by the decrees of man. This is just an example. If you want to see the chatbot of Bing, go in circles, try to get the information from it. It eventually said that no one changed the Sabbath, but that some Christians observe Sunday as a memorial of Christ's resurrection.
So, once again; my question is what is your effluence? What flows out from you, is it the "parrotry" of men or do you believe the Word of GOD? Because, that same Word says, that the day of the LORD is when he comes to judge the whole world. Here is a link that I can give for the Day of the LORD; however, here is one that I trust because it is from a Prophet of GOD in Biblical text. (Isaiah 2:6-22)
A very real question must then be asked, what influences you? What is your "in + flow" then? Consider the first warning given in Matthew 24:4 regarding the signs of the last days. So that is my appeal to you. Not whether you worship on which day, that the Word of GOD will establish too; but what will you permit to influence you? Is it the Word of GOD, or Tik-Tok? Maybe that soapy that you love to watch or a scripted reality show? What influence you? What makes you decide to buy a new car or a new outfit or to change your hair? As we filter what goes out of us, we really should consider influence too; because the serpent influenced Eve in breaking GOD's one and only LAW in Eden.
My friends, this is a matter of introspection; reflecting on the Word received. Now, we might not come to 100% agreement on these matters, but there should at very least be a guard to watch what comes into your soul and what departs from it. Can we agree on that at least? Then we are making steady progress. Because that day of the LORD is fast approaching and our opinions of it, can't hold it back. It is coming. For those in Christ it is something that we look forward to, to be united to our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, but read for yourself what happens to the wicked and the godless.
May the LORD of GRACE, MERCY and SALVATION lead you on His Way.
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